RE Curiculum

In school, we follow the RE curiculum strategy ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’ throughout the whole school, including in the EYFS. We ensure that RE is of parity with other core subjects in school and that time dedicated to the teaching of Religious Education meets the necessary requirements.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and systematic study of Christianity, so that the children and young people will be enabled to: – grow in knowledge of, and openness to, the mystery of God;  become familiar with the person, life and teachings of Jesus, who as Saviour and Lord, reveals both the Face of God and the fullness of what it means to be human; grow in experience, knowledge and understanding of the Church, her life and teachings, her significance in the world today, and her concerns for peace and justice; prepare for, participate in and appreciate Personal and Liturgical Prayer and Worship; develop a moral and ethical awareness as they reflect on the human condition and on their own lives and the lives of others in the light of the Christian message;  avail of opportunities to foster their spiritual development. 

Through sound teaching, which reflects children’s and young people’s capacity for learning and growing, the Catholic School’s Religious Education will:  be informed by a range of teaching styles and a whole variety of ways in which children learn, and will enable teachers to select from, or devise appropriate learning experiences;  affirm all pupils’ value and worth, build on their own experiences of living relationships and contribute to the development of positive Self-esteem;  provide opportunities for pupils to recognise, appreciate and develop their own talents and skills;  promote the development of independence and autonomy in children and young people, so that they are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own learning and are enabled to make ever more full and informed responses and choices in relation to God, Faith and service of others.

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