Year 3

In Year 3, we take a big step from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. We aren’t infants anymore, and we have moved upstairs. 

The big difference at first when we move into KS2, is that we no longer have an afternoon break. This is quite tiring at first, but we quickly settle into our new routine. 

KS2 share a different playground to the infant children, and in Year 3, we now play with Years 4, 5 and 6. 

Year 3 is a very special year for us at St Joseph’s, as it is what we call a ‘Sacramental Year’. This means that we are getting ready to receive a very special Sacrament, which is a gift from God. In Year 3 we find out about forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We also prepare for, and make, our First Holy Communion in the summer. Both of these events remind us that we are all part of God’s family. 

Our Catholic faith is at the centre of all that we do, and we start and end each day with prayers. In the mornings we either share assemblies or Prayer and Liturgy with our own and other classes. We attend Mass on alternate weeks with Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5, and on some special occasions, we take part in whole-school Mass too.

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