Year 6
Year 6 is a very special year for children at St Joseph’s. We are the oldest children in the school and have the responsibility of setting a good example to all the other children. Our teachers have very high expectations of us. We also have lots of extra responsibilities our school, such as: house and vice captains, playground leaders and prayer liturgy leaders.
Year 6 is our final year in primary school, the year helps us to consolidate and apply our learning over the last six years. We work very hard during this year to get ready for our SATs, which take place in the summertime. We get lots of additional homework, including practice SATs papers, to help us do our very best and prepare for transitioning to secondary school.
Our Catholic faith is at the centre of all we do, and we start and end each day with prayers. On a Monday and Tuesday morning, we gather together in faith during assemblies and prayer and liturgy. Every other week, each year group celebrates mass with other year groups, with the opportunity to read and lead the Mass. In Year 5 and Year 6 the children who have made their First Holy Communion and Confirmation can also support and help Father serve our school masses as altar servers.
Our Learning
Find out more about our learning, click on the links below:
Our Curriculum Maps (the latest at the top):